Carolina Truesdale
Carolina G. Truesdale graduated from Texas Tech University School of Law, Cum Laude, where she discovered her passion for serving families during difficult times.
Texas 18 wheeler crash attorneys at our firm have recovered millions for people injured in truck accidents. If you or a loved one has been hit by a truck, semi-truck or an 18 wheeler, you need an experienced Texas truck accident attorney to ensure you receive the highest compensation that the law allows. After a serious injury, trucking companies and their insurers immediately circle the wagons. Victims of trucking accidents need a law firm that can pierce the trucking companies’ defense and obtain the money that the law allows for victims of trucking accidents.
Dunnam & Dunnam’s Texas trucking accident attorneys know that big rig accidents are different from other motor vehicle collisions. Dunnam & Dunnam attorneys know the law and the facts required for a successful case. For example, our lawyers are familiar with:
In Texas, a commercial operator can be 18 years old instead of 21 years old. Additionally, Texas commercial operators are required to pass an English-language examination for a Texas commercial drivers license. If a commercial driver has a disability, a medical examiner must approve the driver before a license can be issued. During planting and harvesting seasons, the maximum driving requirements do not apply to commercial drivers transporting farm or agricultural products.
These regulations are in place because commercial truck drivers are incentivized to drive long distances without much sleep. It is critical that all important data be examined in a truck accident case. Evidence like logbooks, the truck’s “black box,” load deliveries, inspection of the scene and the truck and training materials are important documents to request in the discovery process.
Dangerous equipment can also lead to safety concerns for a commercial truck. It is important that the following items are inspected during the discovery process: air lines and compressor, brakes, fuel system, lights, steering, safety equipment, axles, coupling devices, wheels and tires.
There are more than 450 fatal trucking accidents per year in Texas and more than 17,000 non-fatal collisions. Most collisions occur in rural areas. Weather or lighting conditions were not a factor in 85% of Texas truck collisions. Every sixteen minutes a tractor trailer accident occurs often resulting in serious personal injury or death. Dunnam & Dunnam has represented many victims of truck accidents.
Carolina G. Truesdale graduated from Texas Tech University School of Law, Cum Laude, where she discovered her passion for serving families during difficult times.
Mason Dunnam won his first jury trial the day after becoming licensed to practice law. He became a lawyer to fight for the little guy.
Eleeza Johnson has been a member of Dunnam & Dunnam since 2015 and is currently designated as Of Counsel.
Andrea Michelle Mehta became a lawyer to help people navigate the legal world. She loves her work and the people.
Gerald Ray Villarrial has an important goal – to be remembered as someone who cared about people and changed lives through his skill as an attorney.
Jim Dunnam is a Board Certified Specialist in both Civil Trial Law and Family Law. Jim was born and has spent his entire life in Waco.
Merrilee Harmon is a Family Law specialist, Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1985.
Vance Dunnam, Jr. graduated from Baylor University in 1974 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and a major in accounting and from Baylor Law School in 1977 with a Juris Doctor degree.
Vance Dunnam has 60 years of experience as a lawyer in Waco, Texas, handling all types of cases in both the office and the courtroom.
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