Waco Probation Revocation and Violation Attorney

When you’re accused of violating probation conditions, you should contact a Waco area probation violation attorney. Our experienced criminal defense lawyers know how to fight your violation charges. A probation revocation in Waco could has the possibility of jail time and other devastating consequences.


Unfortunately, people are often unable to complete the many requirements of probation. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help minimize the consequences. Our firm handles these matters, both in State and Federal courts. It is vital that once you believe that you have violated your probation to call a Waco criminal attorney at 254-753-6437.


Probation Violations

Being charged with a new crime while on probation is the most obvious way that a person can violate probation. But you can violate probation in a number of ways that don’t include criminal conduct. The reasons for probation violations are many. Those reasons often include:


  • Failing to take mandatory drug tests
  • Testing positive for drug and alcohol use
  • Failing to comply with a court order
  • Failing to appear in court on scheduled date
  • Failing to perform mandated community service
  • Failing to abide by any court-ordered curfew
  • Failing to maintain a residence in the County of the probation precinct
  • Traveling outside of the County without requesting a travel permit
  • Failing to get court-ordered treatment or counseling
  • Failing to report to your probation officer
  • Failing to pay fines and court fees
  • Association with known criminals
  • Failing to maintain gainful employment or a steady job

Though the burden of proof is much lower in a probation violation hearing, the prosecutor still must prove that a violation actually occurred.


A defense attorney can file a motion for a bond hearing. In that hearing, it is the criminal defense lawyer’s job to persuade the judge to release the defendant from custody while the case is pending. Then that probation attorney will try to resolve the probation violation charge by showing that the violation never occurred or by negotiating a more acceptable outcome. It is your lawyer’s job to show the judge  that returning to jail isn’t in the best interest of the defendant or the community.


Probation Violation Penalties

Upon finding that someone is guilty of violating a probation condition, the judge can:

  • Continue probation without punishment for the violation.
  • Modify the conditions of probation or extend the period of probation.
  • Revoke probation and sentence the defendant on the underlying offense.

McLennan County Probation Revocation Lawyer

An experienced criminal defense attorney is necessary to fight a probation revocation in Waco. A Waco probation violation lawyer can help the local defendant with critical information about the local judge, jury and prosecutors. Our firm has the local understanding required. If you need an aggressive criminal defense attorney in Waco, call us at 254-753-6437. While you wait for your appointment, read our frequently asked questions about criminal law.

Contact a criminal justice attorney in Waco at 254-753-6437.